Humanity (Paris Riot x Max Brhon)
The 5th of December 2019 – Paris
People are walking in the street against the new pension system, carried by the government and the French president Emmanuel Macron.
Some of thoses people are pacifics, other are not.
Some of them use speakers, other use rocks and glass bottle to send their message.
Even if they agree or not to this message, policemen are here to avoid riot.
Thoses intense times are violent, desperate, but also very eloquent.
In our society, today, the violence is more invisible than ever. This kind of day, you can see it. For a lot of spectator, it’s a choc. Because for the first time they see our world as it be.
A confrontation.
It’s also a very intersting thing to film, and otherwise, a very interisting thing to watch.
It’s all about Humanity.
Music : Mac Brhon – Humanity
Riot Gilets jaunes Yellow jacket street violence macron emmanuel macron french president rue combat combats crs police policiers gendarmes lacrymo lacrymogène fumi fumigène nuit noir blackl block black bloc black blocks black blocs music electro musique report war street medic run running fire fire men fireman pompiers pompier clip street clip fight fights paris place de la république 2019 strikes strike contest